Yelling is Not Good for The Brain
Friendship & Emotional Boundaries English & Spanish
CourseFriendships can look many different ways, but how do we know if someone is truly our friend? And how do we know when it is time to set emotional boundaries with "Fake Friends?"
The Science of Kindness: Giving & Stress Recovery (English & Spanish)
CourseStudents will be introduced to research that explains the benefits of giving in their ability to recover from stress. Students are encouraged to come up with ways to give to others and track kindness on the Stand4kind Kindness Tracker.
Mental Fitness: Learning to Lead from Within
CourseThis course was designed to be used with teen athletes and facilitated by coaches or mentors. By practicing the seven “Zones” of mental fitness, your students will learn to flex their brain in ways that will help to hone their leadership skills.
What We Tell Ourselves Matters: English and Spanish
CourseStudents will explore the impact of self-talk. Students will evaluate negative thoughts with mindfulness questions, and practice redirecting negative thoughts toward problem solving. Most appropriate for 4th grade (with vocabulary support) and up.
Physical Health Lesson for Teens English and Spanish
CoursePaying attention to how we treat our bodies with proper nutrition, sleep, movement, and water intake can go a long way to helping us cope with any situation that comes our way.